Monday, October 25, 2004

Blast from the past...

I've been reading
Thomas, Hugh, 1931-: The Spanish Civil War / Hugh Thomas. Revised ed. Penguin in association with Eyre & Spottiswoode , 1965. 911p.,ill.,19cm.
I was going to wait till I had finished the bugger before posting on it. However, last night's chapter struck a chord.

Perhaps following on from my discussion of Bamberry's 'Troops Out Now' pamphlet, and the iconic status of the up coming battle of Fallujah. It's certainly goling to be writing the textbook of modern urban warfare - the most advanced fighting force in the world, with overwhelming airpower, is trying to take a city.

The first-time something like that was tried, was Madrid. Without saying anything further - I want to save that until I comment on the relevence of the book as a whole (consider this a teaser) - I'll leave it at wondering: Could anyone say anything like this, of Fallujah, as was said of Madrid?
Here in Madrid is the universal frontier that separates liberty and slavery. It is here in Madrid that two incompatable civilisations undertake their great struggle: love against hate, peace against war, the fraternity of Christ against the tyranny of the church...This is Madrid. It is fighting for Spain, for Humanity, for Justice and, with the mantle of its blood, it shelters all human beings." Pg. 413.
It's the question that defines the politics of our times.


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