The fruits of Repec'
George Galloway : Respect Coalition : Parliament
OK, this may turn into a longer article, but George Galloway has secured an adjournment debate in the House of COmmons.
Did he discuss poverty? Welfare? Civil Liberties? Union rights?
The Tribune of the oppressed called for a debate on press regulation:
What is to be done? Should we allow 40 per cent. of newspaper circulation in Britain to be in Rupert Murdoch's grubby hands—from the streetwalkers of the News of the World to the higher class of courtesan at The Times? Will we allow our local press to be subject, as it is through takeover, to increasing monopolisation?Every Hufton Bufton Tory worth his name could support those sentiments. Any time serving backbench Labour MP with sententious views of his own importance could support those sentiments.
For almost 20 years in the House I have opposed state regulation of the press, and I oppose it still. I believe that freedom and democracy in this country would lose more than they would gain from such regulation, but part of the answer to those questions lies in the Government's hands: first, through modifying their relations with those media magnates and, secondly, through caps on media ownership, especially ownership by foreign billionaires whose loyalty is certainly not to this country.
Galloway had the floor of the House for 15 minutes, and aside from bragging about getting a minority of councillors on Tower Hamlets, he wasted it on his ego and ludicrous patriotic twaddle.
Strikes me the Respect that Galloway wants, is for himself.
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