Human resources
Tribune strikes again - this time with a story about remnants of the British Empire.
Apparently, military collaboration continues with the racist military dictatorship in Fiji (ruddy fine rugger players, those chaps, wot?). This engagement with tyrants apparently enables the British army to recruit Fijians (fine sturdy types, wot?).
So, the US has to go to its poor communities to dredge up recruits, whereas Britain continues to use its old empire to draw up human cannon fodder to prop up unpopular wars while recruitment dries up at home. The some two thousand or so Fijians in the British army must give a hell of a shot to the strained manpower of the forces fighting under the butchers apron.
According to the CIA world factbook Fiji has a population of 918,675 (July 2007 est.) The UK has a population of 60,776,238 (July 2007 est.) The British Army is reckoned to have 107,730 regular troops.
Labels: British Empire, Fiji, Militarism
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